The Instant Interview & Media Training via ZOOM

You feel uncomfortable with the camera, lose confidence in your interviews or just struggle with the language? There is a way to change that - and you can start right now! 

My INTERVIEW TRAINING ONLINE via Zoom is an easy and immediate way to work on your media performance and helps you to get more routine and self-confidence in front of the camera. 

We analyse your status quo, find out what makes you strong and what makes you struggle and based on that, I'll help you to find your own strategy and style for your interviews. If language is a problem and you need to improve your English or German, we will also work on that at the same time and make it easier for you to find the right words when talking to the media or to your engineer... 

Whatever it is you want to learn, improve or just train for your media appearance - we can always react to the actual situation and work on what you need most right now. I'll keep an eye on your interviews during the season, so we can always control your improvements and make sure you implement what you learned in your training. 

It's your personal 1:1 coaching time, so you can always decide where and when you want to have your next Zoom class and what you would like to work on next. How does that sound? 

Here is, what your INTERVIEW TRAINING ONLINE does include:

 Kick-off call via Zoom to introduce each other and make a first strategy plan for your training 

 3x 90 minutes 1:1 training per Zoom 

racing vocabulary training (English/German) if needed

 some 'homework' & exercises to work on in between the Zoom classes

 feedback via WhatsApp or within the CoachNow App whenever you need it 

 a digital workbook designed for your mobile phone with the most important learnings 

 individual training schedule and high flexibility on planning 

With my INTERVIEW TRAINING ONLINE you will learn... 

… to be more relaxed & confident in front of the camera and microphone 

... to know about the DOs and DON'Ts in an interview

… to have a clear strategy that helps to quickly react to questions

… to find your own authentic interview & (social) media style  

... to talk about more than just the facts

… to Improve your English/German if necessary

... to make fans not only with your driving but also with your interviews... 

So, what are you waiting for?

You can book your INTERVIEW TRAINING ONLINE right here and start whenever you want!

If you have any questions, contact me at

Still not sure if my training is the right one for you? Jump here for more information:

Hope to see you soon!


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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (€1200.-)€1200.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x €650.-)2x €650.00


to Size L!

Take 2 extra Zoom classes for an additional  €600.-
5 instead of 3 Zoom classes for even more intense training! 

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YDMT Interview Training Online€0

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  • 1xYDMT Interview Training Online€0

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